Teaser: S13 from mild to wild!Teaser: S13 from mild to wild!

In the last 24 months I had the opportunity to gather a lot of valuable experience in building and racing cars thanks to my S13. I want to share the good and the bad with you and therefore will start a series of build threads, in which you can read and see yourself through the different steps of my „mild-to-wild“ evolution.

I got the in-good-condition S13 from a young guy in Germany near the Swiss border. The drive home was already quite fun, challenging the speedo needle on the German Autobahn…

This is what the Silvia looked like, when arrived at the garage safely.

And this is a hint on what it is up to today. Some mods have gone into it on the visual side, but the major evolution lies underneath its trim… stay tuned for the detailed reports on this blog! 🙂

In the last 24 months I had the opportunity to gather a lot of valuable experience in building and racing cars thanks to my S13. I want to share the good and the bad with you and therefore will start a series of build threads, in which you can read and see yourself through the different steps of my „mild-to-wild“ evolution.

I got the in-good-condition S13 from a young guy in Germany near the Swiss border. The drive home was already quite fun, challenging the speedo needle on the German Autobahn…

This is what the Silvia looked like, when arrived at the garage safely.

And this is a hint on what it is up to today. Some mods have gone into it on the visual side, but the major evolution lies underneath its trim… stay tuned for the detailed reports on this blog! 🙂

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